
Bay Booking Office is Nelson Bay’s largest independent cruise booking agency.  We are ideally located on Dock C at d’Albora Marina, from where the majority of the cruises depart.

We can help you organise your itinerary, allowing you to make the most of your time in Nelson Bay. Just call us or come into our office.

Want to ensure you don’t miss out? Pre-book your cruise or activity online using the links on each page. We can also arrange private charters for that special occasion.

So for all your Port Stephens Bookings Office requirements why not  call us on 02 49 843 843.

Whale Watching…Dolphin Watching…Snorkeling Trips…Dinner Cruises… Jet Skis…Quad Bikes…Sand Boarding

Youtube Channel
Youtube Channel

We have collected some of our favourite videos, to visit the BBO YouTube video channel click on the button above.